Saturday, November 6, 2021

There you go again, Willie Joe!


Let me preface everything by saying that Willie Joseph is a great friend.

Ninety percent of the time I do not agree with his public comments – but I have consistently defended his right to make them.

Many times, some people would even ask “why are you giving these people a platform.” I insist commentators like Willie must be allowed to speak; it helps the national discourse.

I have a very liberal view on these things.

Recently, I spoke to Willie Joseph about appearing on a show three times a week on the station I now have responsibility for. The reason it has not happened as yet is that he is trying to figure out how to manage his time.


I have no motive to push whatever Willie’s agenda might be -- and I have never asked him to provide a litmus test of his views as a condition of our engagement anyhow.

So I found it strange, that Willie will now go on to suggest in his latest public comment that I have some agenda – anti of his own personal interest – by allowing, other people with different positions to share the same platform on which I have repeatedly invited him.


And while I regard him as a commentator; he is no journalist.

So to suggest that Calistra’s line of questioning of Dickon Mitchell was fulfilling some sort of Hamlet Mark agenda is not just unfortunate; it dumfounded me coming from a man like Willie.

 But I guess whom the Gods will destroy, they first make mad.

 Let me tell Willie how this journalist thing works.

 Anytime someone who is worth their salt lands a significant interview, they will do their own preparations – whether it is a politician, a sports star, or an entertainer. They will have their own ideas on how they want the interview to go, but will sometimes seek advice on guidance from many different people – not exactly on what questions to ask – but on what areas should be covered.

 These interviewers and producers will listen, and sometimes will take all, some, or none of the advice. The final call still comes back to them

 I have been used as a sounding board for many of these interviewers – not only from people who work with me – but even those at competing stations in the same market; as well as from journalists and producers – young and experienced – from virtually every country with every station and publication in the Caribbean.


I am proud to be a mentor of many.


The landing of the interview with Dickon Mitchell had nothing to do with me. I heard about it after it was a done deal and the schedule and conditions were set.


How the interview went – and where it went – was entirely a decision of this very capable host.

When Calistra Farrier decided to host THE NARRATIVE – my instructions to her lasted about 30 seconds. Be fair. Be Bold; but be respectful. Always take the opposite view to the person you are interviewing – even those you fundamentally agree with. Don’t let what you think I believe be your editing mark. You can say what you want once you don't slander anyone, and it fits the bracket of good taste and public decency.


As an example, we both have completely different views on some of these mandates issue – and we always have that private debate – but not for one day have I tried to stop her from taking that debate where she wants to on her show.


You see Willie, running a media outfit – or a TV show – does not mean it has to carry the views and preferences of the ultimate owner. After all, we are not GIS.


Ask people who worked for me when I was manager of GBN, how many times I asked government officials to Eff-off and leave my people alone.


Asked them when they wanted Eddie Frederick to be removed from doing a talkshow then, I’d said I rather resign than execute that policy; and that while I don’t agree with 90 percent of the things Eddie says on his show; I am defending his right to say it.


For Willie to suggest that asking Dickon about CBI was out of order and part of agenda is flabbergasting. Actually, if Calistra did not, it would have been akin to journalistic malpractice.


And rest assured Willie that line of questioning was not initiated by me. But I would have been proud to have done it.


This notion by some that Calistra cannot do anything on the show without my approval is totally disrespectful to her and defies two known facts in the journalistic marketplace: (a) that Calistra is a darn good journalist with a mind of her own, and (b) that I have always allowed who works with my organizations to have a mind of their own; and that I have always defended their right to so have a mind of their own.


I am not sure why Willie felt he needed to come to the aid of Dickon – who himself was comfortable with the respect and accommodation that were shown. And anyhow, he showed he is capable of handling himself.


Hello Willie! This is not Tillman Thomas – who as his chief of staff you guided down Political Suicide Avenue, inspite of my repeated personal pleadings to you at our favorite Botanic Gardens car park.


People like you, Aaron Moses, and Chris DeRiggs must publicly own the debacle the Tillman Thomas administration turned out to be. (For reference read my blogs of 2010).


My public commentaries have stood the test of time – just as your misguidance of Tillman Thomas (a good and decent man) needs to be a story that has to be written to put history in its proper context.


Dickon has the unenviable task of trying to resuscitate a patient in need of emergency care, because the likes of Willie so near fatally wounded it with political infantilism.


I know there will be a lot of eager re-writers of history now that they are seeking to get on the self-advertised gravy train that’s coming.


Willie was one of the prime movers behind the Sunday afternoon massacre at SAASS -- a move so disastrous that it should disqualify my good friend from the political offices he covets.


The expulsion of 11 people that day, was not initiated by Tillman Thomas. He was just too weak to stop it.


I know Tillman was personally troubled by the way Willie and others lumped Jerome Joseph into all of this – a man who was his childhood friend, and who mortgaged his property and business to help finance NDC when they had no big corporate donor: and when the likes of Willie and so on were “too professional” to help with Glynis’ weekend cake sales.


Willie must understand that I don’t take cues from people who want to assign unearned motives to me, when they are the same people who were eager to savage the name of the honorable Denis Lett on his dying bed.


I am a forgiving man, but I shall never forget what the “bright boys” did to the likes of Jerome Joseph and Denis Lett.


By the way -- on that fateful—and fatal Sunday afternoon, before Willie’s political execution took place, I called him aside and warned him:


(a)             If “you all” go along with this insidious plot, it will end the viability of Tillman, the man you say you love

(b)            The massacre (expulsions) won’t be a victory for anyone, but a defeat for everyone

(c)             You will destroy NDC as a party; and it will lose the next election and be out for at least the next 10 years


Willie’s response – beating his chest -- man them men have to be taught a lesson.

Heavy manners eh, Willie?


History has absolved me. But it continues to be unkind to Willie.


One thing Willie is consistent with though. He hates all the so-called Revo boys – ala George Worme (the man he is sometimes a Special Correspondent for). So his hatred is equal for Peter and Naz. 


The second thing is that he not just opposes – which is his right -- but hates Keith Mitchell, and shades anybody who even gives him a modicum of respect for at least being Prime Minister for a long time.


I am many things, Willie. I can be tough and soft at the same moment. I have a progressive worldview. I take public positions under my name. But I have never ever been motivated by hatred for another man.


This cancerous vileness is a clear and present danger to the long-term viability of NDC’s new leader. The likes of Willie, George, and Kem lack the strategic nous and political respect, and maturity to give any leader direction.


I know Willie I frustrate all of you. I am no Glen Noel. I cannot be hounded out of anything.


The good thing about NDC’s new leader Dickon is that he is no Tillman Thomas – and Willie can’t qualify for his Chief of Staff – because Dickon is too smart to allow folks like that to lead him down another political suicide road.


For the NDCites who love their new leader, there is more to be worried about than some tough questioning from Calistra. (And if you think he can’t take it, then why is he there?)

 Calistra is not the real enemy – nor is Willie’s bogeyman, Hamlet Mark.

 NDC’s real enemies are the so-called “bright boys” from those sorry days of 2008 to 2013. I see them circling the wagons again.

Invoking the group Culture to ask: When will the next payday be?

 By the way – Willie is still welcome to use my platforms when he is ready.

At least he still has the right to make an ass of himself! 
I can faithfully count on him to do so.